Worship Choir
Led by Ron Gardner, Worship Pastor
The Sanctuary Choir leads worship each Sunday morning. In addition to their weekly responsibilities, they also present seasonal musical celebrations and worship services throughout the year. This choir is open to any person who is 9th grade or older. To join the choir, come be our guest at a rehearsal on Wednesday night.
Rehearsals: Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the Music Suite.
Worship Team and Band
Led by Ron Gardner, Worship Pastor
The Worship Team and Band are an auditioned group of singers and instrumentalists who lead worship as part of a rotation in our weekly worship and special events.
Joyful Senior Saints
Led by Rick Gattoni, Director
Our energetic seniors rehearse each Wednesday morning and lead corporate worship periodically. They also go and sing in our community on a regular basis at nursing homes and other senior facilities. This group also loves to travel and sing. They have been known to sing in places like; Ellijay, Blue Ridge, Pensacola, and many other places. We are always looking for new members!
Rehearsals: Wednesday mornings at 10:00am in the Music Suite.
Media and Technology Team
Our Media and Technology ministry provides support for weekly worship and special events throughout the year. Opportunities are available in sound, lighting, presentation software operating, video directing, camera operating, video editing, graphic design, and webpage development and maintenance.
Opportunities are available for experienced and inexperienced persons who enjoy technology and want to serve the Lord in that area. Contact the church office for more details.