A key to family ministry is communication with the home to empower parents/guardians in regard to their family’s faith. We do this through various age group ministries and small groups but also through intentionally weaving opportunities into the programming of the church, such as Vacation Bible School (VBS) and summer camps. Adults will learn how they can do things at home to help them minister to their children regardless of age.
We also celebrate many milestones for parents and children, including the following:
Baby Dedication
First Bible Presentation
High School and College Graduation Ceremony
Preschool (Birth-Pre-K)
We take seriously the responsibility of nurturing your child and creating learning opportunities for them so they can develop mentally, socially, physically, and spiritually. All teachers in the Preschool Department have a love for children, for God and His Word. They are required to have background checks and training to assure the parent that we provide the best teachers for their child.
We offer Sunday School classes for birth through Pre-K. The curriculum we use is Lifeway's The Gospel Project. The Gospel Project curriculum also provides an app that allows you, the parent/guardian, to have an easy and fun tool to interact with your child on the Sunday School lesson that week! Simply search for the “gospel project kids” in the App Store to download the free or paid version of the app.
Extended Teaching Care (ETC) is a ministry provided for preschoolers during the morning worship service. While your child is more than welcome in the worship service, you are welcome to leave them with our teachers should you choose to do so.
Health Policies
For the protection of your child and other children, please do not bring a child to church who has had any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, Scarlet Fever, Mumps, Chicken Pox, German Measles, runny nose, cough, croup, sore throat, any unexplained rash or skin infection, boils, ringworms, impetigo, pinkeye, or other eye infections. Should your child develop an infectious disease (measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc.) following a session in our preschool area, please contact the church office at 770-483-7628 immediately.
Children (Kindergarten-5th Grade)
It is our desire that through all of our ministry programs and activities in the children's area that each child will feel loved and valued. In Sunday School, we have dedicated teachers who focus on the child's needs and make their experience on Sunday meaningful and special. For your peace of mind, and safety concerns, all our workers have passed extensive background checks and have completed training for working with children.
Students (6th-12th Grade)
Our desire is to help encourage, guide, and disciple students as maturing followers of Jesus Christ. We do this through Sunday School, Wednesday night Bible studies, and different events and activities throughout the year.
College and Young Professionals
Our College and Young Professionals class is designed for young people who are either in college or have already started building a career. We want you to find your place in ministry as a part of the larger body of Christ.