Equip is our small group discipleship ministry. We meet seasonally at our Conyers campus on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm, and at our Stanton Springs campus on Sunday nights at 6:00pm. Courses are provided for all age groups, from infants through senior adults. We calendar our semesters similar to college semesters. Our winter semester runs from January through early April, the summer semester runs from July through early September, and the fall semester begins in September and lasts through November.
As many as 30 class options are available each semester. Classes are offered in Christian finance, leading a godly home, having godly marriages, Bible book studies, study of theology, mentoring, general spiritual growth, and more. Sign up at the links below:
Conyers Campus | Wednesday Evenings
Children & Students
Preschool (Babies-4yrs)
No Cost | 6:30pm
Our preschoolers will learn about God's Word using the five senses God has given us.
Children (K-5th Grade)
Outreach & Missions
No Cost | 6:30pm
Our kids will learn about religions, worldviews, and cultures around the world. Our focus will be on how we can pray for and support local missionaries and reach our family, friends, and neighbors. Who knows? Maybe one of our own children will be call to full-time missions?
Students (6th-12th Grade)
Midweek Bible Study
Daniel Peavy
No Cost | 6:30pm
Every Wednesday we meet at 6:30pm in the Student Area for Midweek! A typical Midweek is made up of student led worship, Bible study, small group discussion, and games.
"Knowing God"
Dwayne Jones
No Cost | 4:30 or 6:30pm
Knowing God - What do you really know about God? The Bible is the best place to start! Join us as we ask questions about our Lord and find answers in the Bible. Questions like; How is God different from us? How is God like us in his being, and in mental and moral attributes? How is God like us in attributes of will and in attributes that summarize his excellence?
"The Great Dechurching" by Jim Davis & Michael Graham
Billy Moss
$10 | 6:30pm
We are currently experiencing the largest and fastest religious shift is US history. It is greater than the First and Second Great Awakening and every revival in our country combined...but in the opposite direction. Yet precious little rigorous study has been done on the broad phenomenon of dechurching in America.
"Unlimited: God's Love, Atonement and Mission" by Dr. Ken Hemphill
Steve Esslinger, Victor Hurst, & Billy Johnson
$10 | 6:30pm
LEARN: Discover the unlimited character of God as seen in His unlimited holy love.
LIVE: God created us in His own image, meaning that we are relational, rational, and responsible. Discover why we should seek and how we should live in Christ.
LEAD: This class allows your creativity in developing an Unlimited Mission ministry by LEADING others to know and live in Christ.
Worship Choir
Ron Gardner
No Cost | 6:30pm
Join us Wednesday nights in the Music Suite as we sing and prepare for Sunday morning worship!
TCSS Campus | Sunday Evenings
Children & Students
Preschool (Babies-5th Grade)
This Little Light of Mine
Denice Jones & Kathi Smith
No Cost | 6:00pm
Helping kids be part of what God is doing in other people's lives. We are adding the Gospel message to 10 projects and turning an ordinary activity into a missions activity! In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).​
Students (6th-12th Grade)
"Herman Who" by Todd Friel
Jeremy & Monica Gaddy
No Cost | 6:00pm
Ask most Christians what they know about hermeneutics and they will probably ask, "Herman who?" Spend 10 weeks with us and you will receive a condensed master's level education on how to read the Bible right. You will never read the Bible the same way again... and you will never have the wool pulled over your eyes by a false teacher.
"The Great Dechurching" by Jim Davis & Michael Graham
Billy Moss
$10 | 6:00pm
We are currently experiencing the largest and fastest religious shift is US history. It is greater than the First and Second Great Awakening and every revival in our country combined...but in the opposite direction. Yet precious little rigorous study has been done on the broad phenomenon of dechurching in America.​